The Trip End Model Presentation Program.


TEMPro, the Trip End Model Presentation Program, is designed to allow detailed analysis of pre-processed trip-end, journey mileage, car ownership and population/workforce planning data from the National Trip End Model (NTEM).

TEMPro is also the industry standard tool for estimating traffic growth, which is required when assessing the traffic impact of a development on the local highway network. The model forecasts the growth in trip origin to destination up to 2051 for use in transport modelling taking into account: -

  • Population;
  • Employment;
  • Housing;
  • Car Ownership; and
  • Trip Rates.

The Department for Transport regularly approves the data sets which are then prescribed as the latest ‘definitive’ data sets for use in modelling.

The latest TEMPro data sets show that throughout Great Britain over the coming years traffic is not predicted to increase at the levels previously forecast. This has major implications to developers as developments that were previously expected to require expensive off site highway infrastructure improvements may now need little or no improvements. This could make the difference for sites that were not previously financially viable due to prohibitive development costs and allow development to proceed.

For more information on TEMPro, please visit the TEMPro Government website, or, if you require any advice on how these changes in traffic growth forecasts may assist your development aspirations, please contact Sanderson Associates.

Require Assistance with a Transport Assessment?

Sanderson Associates have extensive experience in providing Transport Assessments, Transport Statements and Travel Plans for a wide variety of major and minor developments throughout the whole of the UK, Isle of Man and Ireland.

We would be pleased to provide you with our competitive fee proposal to produce a Transport Assessment, please call us on 01924 844080 or click here to complete our secure online form.

TEMPro, Model Presentation Program
Trip End, Journey Mileage
Car Ownership, Planning Data
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